Rorschach Exam


Blood Blot 2

Kellymarie Stamper is a Milwaukee, WI based artist, fresh out of the Milwaukee Institute of Art and Design. With her work revolving around queer culture and gender roles, the Rorschach Exam project falls right in step as she moves beyond her education. In this project, Kelly is investigating "free bleeding" during the week of her period with the intention of experiencing what it's like for women who cannot afford feminine care products. She has documented these experiences in public bathrooms using her cellphone. Though the experience is not all together the same, Kelly has been an activist in Milwaukee for women's rights, including rights to free feminine products, by participating in events like Riverwest Fem Fest, which raise money for organizations around the city that help and protect women. Kelly's first dive into free bleeding was documented in Blood Blot 1, featured in Pink Things Vol. I

This is a time sensitive project, and will be updated as the project progresses. 

To see more of Kelly's work, visit her website here

For more information on Riverwest Fem Fest, visit the website here. They are currently taking submissions for the 2017 event.