Related Articles: December 16, 2017



Happy Saturday! 

This week I was unusually extroverted — I attended an event or two on every single night of the week. So far, so good; though I'm sure I'll crash next week when I'm about to head home for the Holidays (FYI, no newsletter next Saturday! I'll be on a plane to Iowa to see the fam bam). The most stirring thing I encountered this week was a private preview of Anton Yelchin's show at De Buck Gallery. For those who don't know, Anton was an actor who passed away in a freak accident at just 27 two years ago. He was an undiscovered artist as well, and some of the most beautiful photographs I have ever seen were the creation of that talented man. Provocative Beauty, the title of the exhibition, is perfect. I get really weepy just writing about it. He was my favorite actor ever, and hardly had the chance to grow in his career, let alone flourish into a prolific artist. 

So I guess what I'm saying is, hug your loved ones and appreciate art. Also, sorry, but this week's reading is heavy on the sexual harassment allegations talk (some REALLY good pieces though) sprinkled with a self-care tracker game thing and a fiction piece you probably have already read in the New Yorker.

And for the love of all millennials (and those who are younger too), if you read one thing this week, let it be this.

Until the 29th! 

xo Sarah


"This Moment Isn’t (Just) About Sex. It’s Really About Work." by Rebecca Traister for The Cut - I AM YELLING!!! Rebecca, wow. Just wow. This was an AMAZING piece on the importance of this moment, but how we are focusing on sexual harassment and the implications it has on women instead of the ultimate issue — sexual harassment is a form of discrimination prohibiting women from succeeding in their personal and professional lives. Sexual assault and harassment are just two of the ways in which discrimination against women takes form. Just wow.


"The Cost of Devaluing Women" by Sallie Krawcheck for The New York Times - I've always loved Sallie Krawcheck. She's a champion for the marginalized in the most heavily male-dominated work places, and she's not afraid of them. In this piece, Sallie breaks down some of the costs that society suffers due to the lack of value we attribute to women.


"The Men Who Cost Clinton the Election" by Jill Filipovic for The New York Times - This analysis on the disgusting tactics used my men in the media — men who have now been exposed for the sexist harassers and assaulters that they are — makes the point that Clinton should have won the election, but due to the sexist media's perspective and inability to objectively report on powerful women, she didn't. Karma's a bitch boys. 


"The Conversation: Seven Women Discuss Work, Fairness, Sex and Ambition" by The New York Times Magazine What an incredible conversation with seven incredible women! Anita Hill is one of the seven, and this convo gets interesting. Spoiler: they don't all agree on how to combat sexual harassment and discrimination.


"The Opposite of Rape Culture is Nurturance Culture" by Nora Samaran for - LONG READ ALERT! Shout out to my bff Laur for encouraging me to read this piece (it took me two whole subway rides). It's analytical of the cultural tropes that encourage men to not be intimate with other people (nurturance), and then analyzes how that translates into aggression and seeking of intimacy in an inapropriate manner (rape culture). AND THEN it calls on the good men to educate the bad men, in a much more eloquent way than I just wrote. 


"The Upside of Office Flirtation? I'm Living It" by Allison Benedikt for Slate - Just no. Read this piece, and then the article below. It's a roast like no other. 


"So You Married Your Flirty Boss" by Josephine Livingstone for New Republic - I am YELLING. Yes Yes Yes!!!


"You Feel Like Shit" an interactive self-care guide - This is a brilliant, and extremely helpful, guide to check in with yourself on your self-care. I'm not talking about a bubblebath self-care, I'm talking about the fundamental need to take care of yourself. The first thing it asks? If you've eaten recently. I haven't, so excuse me while I go make some eggs. 


"Cat Person" by Kristen Roupenian for The New Yorker - This short story is incredible. I read it twice immediately. It's so amazing, and so relatable! And it's excellently written and demonstrates how engrained the patriarchy is in our psyche as women, sexual or not! AHH it was so freaking good! The last line? Jaw-dropping and, at the same time, not in the least surprising. Wow.


"21 Under 21" by Teen Vogue - If you're looking for some inspo this week, check out these 21 young women under 21 making a difference in the world. You may have heard of some of them, and others you will hear more about in the future for sure. If you need a pick-me-up or some posi vibes, read this.


"Millennials Are Screwed" by Michael Hobbs for Highline - For the love of everything wonderful in the world, everyone needs to read this. From it's AMAZING GRAPHICS and INTERACTIVE storytelling to it's hit-you-right-in-the-gut factual reporting, this piece has blown my mind. This is the future of digital media. And if you read one thing this week, let it be this. It's depressing as hell, but crucial if we are ever going to change the economy. 


There won't be a list next weekend, so happy holidays and click here for when you need more to read!

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