Strength and Dignity

Strength and Dignity

She is clothed with strength and dignity

She laughs without fear of the future

She is loud

And without bounds

She is messy

And bloody

She is lonely




She is raw

She is vicious




She draws in her surroundings

and swallows the pollution clouding up the atmosphere

She takes what is hers

She takes up space

With her body, her presence, her knowledge, and all the things she has to say

She is clothed in strength and conditioning

-Never knowing which she is feeding

Which she is flaunting

Which she is fleeing  

But she walks briskly

She presses onward with her feet

She is smarter than you think

She is boisterous

She is mean

She is friendly



Fawning over the false conceptions of the things she is to be

She is clothed in strength and dignity

And she laughs without fear of the future,

Because she is the future.

The future is in her.



Photos and poem by Chloe Laughlin

Chloe Laughlin is a published writer and photographer living in LA. 

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Chloe Laughlin